10-31-2017 01:56 AM
I would like to monitor all the wireless signals around me, it includes mobile signals, IR data, and any other signals.
So what kind of hardware i need to purchase and how LabVIEW supports this.
Is there any way to Jam for a particular frequency range of signals ?
Thanks for feedback !
Solved! Go to Solution.
03:58 PM
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02:18 PM
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What is your budget? You could get a VST, for some of the RF stuff.
Of course there is a near infinite number of signals, all radio and OTA TV broadcast, CB radios, cell phones, wifi, bluetooth, GPS signals, leakage from your microwave, electrical noise, etc.
Everything above absolute zero emits infrared, but there is also your TV remote.
What do you mean by "other signals"? Cosmic rays? radioactivity? Sound? Mind control?
Jamming e.g. mobile phones is illegal in the US.
04:47 PM
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02:19 PM
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You probably should start with something like the USRP
BTW: Jamming will land you in jail. Don't think "they" won't find you.
Amateur radio operators hunt RF interference and people like you for sport.
10-31-2017 09:59 PM
Thanks for your time, here is my use case I have to address two things I want to monitor the signals which emitting from human body and it may require to design a Jammer to arrest those signals.
It should be some thing like the radio signals emitting from the body and capturing from remote location. For my client he is claiming that for treatment purpose some radio signal transmitter injected into body specially into blood to monitor his health after that it seems to be removed. But that guy is suspecting still he is under monitor so wants to trace is anyone monitoring him or not and if required it need to stop those emission.
Also I want to know which frequency range normally used to monitor the body and mind from remote location (specially from satellites) .
Thanks !
10-31-2017 11:08 PM
cvmohan wrote:
Also I want to know which frequency range normally used to monitor the body and mind from remote location (specially from satellites) .
Probably somewhere in the Sinister Google Projects range.
11-01-2017 11:51 AM
@cvmohan wrote:
Thanks for your time, here is my use case I have to address two things I want to monitor the signals which emitting from human body and it may require to design a Jammer to arrest those signals.
It should be some thing like the radio signals emitting from the body and capturing from remote location. For my client he is claiming that for treatment purpose some radio signal transmitter injected into body specially into blood to monitor his health after that it seems to be removed. But that guy is suspecting still he is under monitor so wants to trace is anyone monitoring him or not and if required it need to stop those emission.
So... You're trying to make a system to prove something (that doesn't exist) isn't there?
I'd run.
Or buy a green LED and a battery. Sell it for $40k to give it credibility. If the LED is green everything is OK. Case closed.
Or put him in an MRI. If he dies, the was a transmitter. If not, there isn't (at least not one with any metal in it).
But seriously. How can you prove that the "system to be" is working? There is no reference to test it. If you don't measure anything, there's no telling if system is broken or there's nothing there.
Ask him what would convince him. I'm sure no matter what you make, the result will be rejected. (You've only tested 1Hz to 10 GHz, so probably the signal is 10.00001 GHz).
cvmohan wrote:Also I want to know which frequency range normally used to monitor the body and mind from remote location (specially from satellites) .
You know this is a LabVIEW forum? How should we know? And if we did, why would we risk our lives (or earning a fortune) to tell?
Maybe WikiLeaks has something?
11-01-2017 12:09 PM - edited 11-01-2017 12:11 PM
@cvmohan wrote:
Thanks for your time, here is my use case I have to address two things I want to monitor the signals which emitting from human body and it may require to design a Jammer to arrest those signals.
Also I want to know which frequency range normally used to monitor the body and mind from remote location (specially from satellites) .
So these are three completely different things.
For (1) you first need to place the subject into a Faraday cage to eliminate all external RF signals. To eliminate other signals (audio noise, light, IR, etc. you need thick walls. For static magnetic fields, you can create cancellation coils or thick layers or mu-metal. To eliminate very low frequency signals such as earthquakes, you need an active isolation system. Thick layers of lead will stop radioactive particles. All the signals that remain either originate from the subject or from the measuring equipment (oops!). No matter what you do, you cannot stop certain particles such as neutrinos.
For (2), jamming does not "arrest signals", but overwhelms the receiver with huge amounts of similar random signals, killing by S/N by increasing the N. It does not operate on the S.
For (3) do a double-blind study to see if the subject can tell the difference if he is in the above mentioned isolation chamber or in a wooden box.
11-01-2017 01:08 PM - edited 11-01-2017 01:15 PM
@altenbach wrote:
...For (1) you first need to place the subject into a Faraday cage to eliminate all external RF signals. To eliminate other signals (audio noise, light, IR, etc. you need thick walls. For static magnetic fields, you can create cancellation coils or thick layers or mu-metal. To eliminate very low frequency signals such as earthquakes, you need an active isolation system. Thick layers of lead will stop radioactive particles. All the signals that remain either originate from the subject or from the measuring equipment (oops!). No matter what you do, you cannot stop certain particles such as neutrinos.
For (2), jamming does not "arrest signals", but overwhelms the receiver with huge amounts of similar random signals, killing by S/N by increasing the N. It does not operate on the S.
For (3) do a double-blind study to see if the subject can tell the difference if he is in the above mentioned isolation chamber or in a wooden box.
Welcome back Alfa1. I have missed you!
That about covers it for the electromagnetic spectrum but there is more to it than that (see here and here).
Now how to handle gravitational waves... I spotted an Anti-gravity device on the American Science Surplus site. They used to have one in their catalog some years back that looked quite impressive. While I do not remember how many years ago it was but I do remember which month it was in even to this day!
They used to run a deal for the April issue of the catalog that featured a fake item and if you found it, you got a trinket or something. Sign up for their catalog because it is a good read. The G-daughters just unpacked two boxes of glassware from them this past week-end.
11-01-2017 10:56 PM
It might a wrong forum to post it. But I am looking a solution in software defined radio using LabVIEW. My intention is that the NI radio modules supporting frequency is good to monitor my use case.
Thanks !
08:04 AM
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02:19 PM
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@cvmohan wrote:
It might a wrong forum to post it. But I am looking a solution in software defined radio using LabVIEW. My intention is that the NI radio modules supporting frequency is good to monitor my use case.
Thanks !
I have used an HP VNA to evaluate components located inside a RF chamber for shielding effectiveness, noise etc.
NI offers a modern version that you can find here.
So what are your plans for demonstrating to your associate that they do NOT have a device in them?
I can imagine ...
1) Place a cell phone in the chamber and close the door.
2) Take a frequency sweep and locate the peaks in the spectrum.
3) Remove the cell phone and repeat the test and note a lack energy measured in any of the bands.
4) Place your friend in the room and repeat.
It would about that time that you should expect them to observe;
"Lack of evidence is not evidence of absence."
Perhaps the $15K for the VNA would be better spent on therapy?