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How to propram Control-C

Hi, Only the keyboard, I both press "Control-C" at the same time to execute the task. How do I program this task in Labview, please? Thanks, Phong


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Message 1 of 6

What task?  What are you really trying do do?


Ctrl-C is typically the keyboard shortcut for Copy.  So what are you trying to do with it?

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Message 2 of 6

Hi, I'm trying to exit from a console terminal after finishing executing some commands. I have to both press "ctrl-c" to exit the task, not the copy. I don't know how to do this in Labview

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Message 3 of 6
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Message 4 of 6

Are you sending characters directly to a program that is "listening" for ^C and directly doing something when it gets this character?  The Control Characters are, in fact, legitimate Ascii code.  If we say that A has the value 1 and Z has the value 26, then the capital letters "A" to "Z" are 64 (decimal, or 40 Hex) + Letter Value, lower case "a" to "z" are 96 (or 60 Hex) + Letter Value, and ^A to ^Z are simply Letter Value.  Thus ^C has the u8 value of 3.  Other Control Values you may encounter are <CR>, carriage return, \r = ^M = 13 (Hex), <LF>, line feed, \n = ^J  = 10 (Hex), <EOT>, End of Transmission = ^D = 4 (Hex), and <HT>, <tab>, horizontal tab = ^I = 9 (Hex).


Bob Schor 

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Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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