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How to put saved text file on front panel on web publishing tools ?

Hi everyone, I really need some help on this project.

My labview program is using web publishing tools, but what i need is actually for user, who access the web to be able to download the saved text file which will record the measurement. I'm really trying to understand if there's any other way to display the labview on web or using this publishing tools.


Thank you for any help,



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7



If I understand correctly, you just want your web users to be able to download a text file of results that you are going to save?


That is easy enough to do. When you configure the web server in LabVIEW to be able to use the Web Publishing Tool you have to select a port and a root directory. The defaults are port 80 and LabVIEW\www. Any file that you save in or under the root dir will be accessible through the web server.


For example: if you configured the web server on a computer named 'MyComputer' and the port and root were the defaults then you could save a file, 'myFile.txt' in LabVIEW\www, and then access it by going to: "http://MyComputer/myFile.txt" in a web browser.


Does this make sense?



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

thank you for the reply, i will try it again tomorrow and update the report tomorrow.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

This is my program.

I just need to get the front panel displayed the text file path listed in it.

I just cant seems to display the saved file on the front panel.

any help ??

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7
You attached the VI that writes the file but not the VI that reads the file. From your posts it seemed like the file was written but you couldn't read it.


Your post seems to imply that the approach that I suggested above is inadequate for some reason. Did it make sense? Can you explain why the text file has to be in a VI front panel- do you have to do some processing on it or are you just displaying a string? Can you verify that the text file is written correctly?


When you say "I just can't seem to display the saved file on the front panel." What exactly is going wrong? For example: Is the file not being written? Are you getting an error message? Does the front panel not show up through remote panels? Can the file not be found? What failed? What have you already tried?


You need to be more specific about the problem so that we can help you.





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7
I followed your direction and its working. Its really is that simple. You are right, the file is write only, because is recording the measurement. But my initiation actually was to do some sql programming to record the data itself. But i think this will work. Do you think I can create the measurement saved into SQL database instead of the text document?
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

I'm glad you got it working!


You can definitely save your data into a database instead a text file. I have not personally done this and am not an expert. If you have trouble figuring out how to do that you might start a separate thread.

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Message 7 of 7