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How to reDeploy or reStart a previously running (but now stopped) LabVIEW Webservice on an NI Web Server ?

OK, I know how to deploy an NI LabVIEW webservice to the NI Web server for the 1st time using the niPackage option where you compile the webservice as a niPackage and run the niPackage on the Target PC. This process works OK on that 1st try.


Now if the NI WebServer is Restarted, it became apparent that the NI LabVIEW web service that was running on before had it STOPPED running.


Question is how do I restart that NI LabVIEW webservice on the NI Webserver in all subsequent cases.



Work-around for now:
The way I do it now is to reCOMPILE the niPackage and re-run it on the Target PC. But this is too much effort.
The reason for reCompiling is because the old Package will no longer run as it will say that the NIWebservice was already installed!


So I am looking for a simpler option.

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