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Synchronizing cDaq Data Acquisition Loops

I have a question on how to sychronize starting daqmx data acquiring loops in two separate vi. Loops are different speed in same cDaq. My aplication uses a data queue to pass the data to the main vi. Data queue has name and waveform in the form of a varient. I have tried several different triggering methods to syncronize the start but do not seem to ever get it right. Should I set up one loop to triggger a start trigger have the other loop witing for it to start? How does the triggering loop know the waiting loop is ready?


Include examp in  LV2019 that is representative of my application.






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The best way to synchronize DAQ is at the hardware level, not the software level.


@john_or wrote:

 I have tried several different triggering methods to syncronize the start but do not seem to ever get it right. 


Include examp in  LV2019 that is representative of my application.






The above snapshot doesn't show any sort of triggering configured on the DAQ.


In your main VI, you parallely start the low-speed and high-speed captures without any sort of hardware sync.



Soliton Technologies

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