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How to read BMP085 in LabView?

I have a project which includes readings from barometric pressure sensor using LabView ONLY.
I searched for such component and the only one that I found with a reasonable price was the BMP085 (DataSheet_BMP085).

The problem is that I could not manage to understand how this component can be read in LabView, I found few examples in C++ but could not understand them enough to convert the code to LabView.



My questions are:

- I have 2 ways of communication with this component:

   1. RS232

   2. Digital module through cDAQ (DI/O: NI_9403), which one is prefered for this purpose?

- Could anyone explain how the code should be written, or just if it's not too much of an effort to write a simple code for this application?



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Message 1 of 5



Many thanks for your post. On the face of it the use of serial communication through the RS232 port should be the simplist option. I have found a similar discussion thread with some examples of the code implementation you would need:


Serial interface through to BMP 085


This should give you some ideas, essentially you can use the serial and VISA functions along with the instruments serial command set to pass and recieved data from the device. Using this standardised interface and command structure should be simpler than using the digital I/O.



Aaron. E
Product Performance Engineer
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Message 2 of 5

First of all thank you for replying so quickly.

Actually I found that post before and my problem is that the person in that post uses Arduino coded with c to communicate with the BMP085.
I understood that the BMP085 has 2 communication lines which are: SCL SDA
which are: Clock input and Data input and the information flows with the I2C protocol, but I don't know if there is a way to use I2C protocol in LabView through RS232(if I2C protocol is actually what i need).

In addition my project is tested, and in the test I get asked about the content of everything included, sadly I dont have time to learn how to communicate with Arduino so I must use only LabView.
So do you think it's possible?


Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

A serial port cannot be used as an I2C without some converter.  Maybe there's one out there.  But you might want to check out the I2C/SPI USB modules by NI.  Their API is pretty easy to use as well.



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Message 4 of 5

Thank you I will check about that modules and search for a converter as well.

But maybe in the mean time, I tried to find another pressure sensor in case I fail with this one and I could not find any.
So is there anyone whom familiar with pressure sensors and knows about one that fits to measure barometric pressure for a weather station?


Thank you.


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