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How to receive analog data via bluetooth and show in realtime graph with thresholding are available

Hello everyone, I tried to receive analog data via bluetooth from microcontroller Arduino. My sensor is Force Sensitivity Resistor. When I just use normal serial port and complie LIFA Firmware, The real time graph is very good (completely analog) but when I receive from bluetooth serial port, it just like a ramp signal instead , still response but graph is ramp.


I have so many questions.


1) I used array based result to show graph because I need to do thresholding for peak detection, Another types of graph like Waveform chart, Waveform Graph or any can be used or not ? Could you please give me an example.


2) I've got problem with X-axis, I want the time to scroll in second and starting from zero because I need to count peak for finding BPM. How can I do that ? 


3) Is there any way to receive to type of data from two sensor (FSR and Temperature) via bluetooth in one time. If so, how can I do that ?


4) My main question, How to fix my response graph pattern? I don't want a ramp response but just analog response.


Thank you for everyone who comes to give me any answer or just pay attention to my post. I am so new in this task but I will try so PLEASE HELP me this time.


PS. I give you my VI so you could see clearly and show the kindd of signal I need and what I don't

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Message 1 of 3



Unfortunately, I can’t run this VI without your equipment, but I’ll try to answer your questions as best I can.


  1. You can use other types of graphs for peak detection. Refer to this White Paper if you haven’t before: I’m not entirely sure, but this community example looks like it uses waveform peak detection:
  2. Could you clarify here? It sounds like what you need is a strip chart; check here for the different chart update modes:
  3. I can’t speak for third-party hardware, but usually hardware can only be reserved for one task at a time. Ask the forums at to see if your Arduino supports this behavior.
  4. It looks like you might be experiencing aliasing; try increasing the sample rate when you receive via Bluetooth and see if this helps; if not, the Arduino boards may be able to help you more.

Hope this helps!

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Message 2 of 3

It looks like you are using BT serial devices? Once these are paired then Bluetooth is irrelevant as it is now basically a wireless serial connection, the same as using a COM port.


Are you using LINX or an Arduino sketch written in native Arduino.


But either way you simply need to have the Arduino read the two sensors, then place their values in a string (try separating them by commas) and send both values at the same time over the serial connection.




Then parse them in LabView (use the comma to separate them)


Notice I use serial.println (Print Line) not serial.print (print character) as print line places a termination character at the end, use that in your VISA read to determin end of read.

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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