05-30-2016 08:59 AM
I want to send an alert from the server to the client when the server receives certain data. It could be just a LED lighting up. I'm trying to configure both TCP but when introducir the IP address of one computer, it doesn't seem to get the message. What can I do? anybody has better ideas? I've been using this: the superior part for the server and the other part for the client.
05-30-2016 10:04 AM
05-30-2016 12:05 PM
Is it correct to assume that on the "Server" (which I take to be a PC or PC-like machine) you have a running LabVIEW application, with the same being true of the "Client"? I see you are running LabVIEW 2010, for which there are a number of options, particularly for two LabVIEW routines already running. I agree with Mike that VI Server may be the simplest way to go, but other possibilities include using a Network Shared Variable (have the Server send True or False to a Network Shared Variable that the Client can test, or have the Client "read" the variable that the Server sets) and Network Streams (might be overkill ...).
Bob Schor