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How to seperate two input signals

Hi people, currently i have one input voltage signal, i would like to add another input signal which display the temp from my Arduino IDE wirelessly via serial visa configure. After doing that, i would like seperate these two signals by using data bits. Can anyone explain to me in a detailed procedures?


i will upload up the file to show the current program that i am having now. One would be the main, the other would be the SubVI file.

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Message 1 of 7

I don't understant what you are saying.


Your VI's don't show anything about a temperature signal or what you want to do with it.


How do you want to "separate using data bits"?  What do the "data bits" represent?


Also, I don't understand how you can "display the temp from my Arduino IDE wirelessly via serial visa configure".  VISA configure sets up a serial port (or other VISA resources).  It doesn't read or write any data.

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Message 2 of 7

i have not done the temp part. I was told by my lecturer to use data bits to differentiate both signals. I need some opinons and help on using data bits.


As for displaying the voltage on the waveform, its true that i used configure serial visa for the labview to read the data from Arduino IDE.


Transmitter Xbee -> Receiver Xbee -> Configure serial visa -> labview which displays the expected voltage values and waveform.

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Message 3 of 7

You'll have to define what the data is to look like before we can help you figure out how to decode the bits.


VISA Configure does not read data.  It just configures the port (baud rate, data bits, stop bits, timeout).    VISA Read reads data.

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Message 4 of 7

I have created a subvi file for both voltage and temp, so is it possible to merge both signal together and then differentiate them to their respective waveform chart? am i able to do that? pls reply.


If yes, what is the function used to differentiate them?

If no, can you tell me what is the function need to be used?


Thanks in advance

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Message 5 of 7

Adding on to my previous post, the temp waveform and the voltage waveform will be same com port so serial configure is needed for this application?

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Message 6 of 7

I can't tell you anything because you haven't shown me anything of what you are doing.


Show the subVI you've created.  How are you merging them together?  What does the data stream from your Arduino look like?  Once we know that, then it will be easy to figure out how to split them apart.


I wouldn't go so far to see you have a temp waveform and a voltage waveform.  It looks like you are just reading them a datapoint at a time.  You almost always need to have a Serial Configure when dealing with serial ports.  It doesn't matter whether you are reading both datapoints through the same serial port or just one datapoing through the serial port.

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Message 7 of 7