10-12-2009 10:06 AM
I am currently trying to debug a system that used to work.. but sadly isnt anymore 🙂
A single computer contains 2 PCI cards (6110 & 6036E). The 6110 card is controlled by a fairly old software, programmed in labview, and hence, using Traditional NI-DAQ. The 6036e card is controlled by a more recent soft, programmed in LV as well but using DAQmx.
the AI/AO of the 6110 card is only momentarily used (20 sec consecutively, every minute) while the 6036E card is continuously receiving and sending data on its AI/AO.
Now the problem: the program that control the 6036E card freezes every time that the old prog access the 6110 card.. and then it works again perfectly until the next time that the 6110 card is used.
So my question: how can I make those 2 cards work simultaneously?
I dont think that it is because of the software nor because of the computer lack of memory/CPU if it used to work in the past. It might be about a wrong configuration of cards in the MAX but I couldnt find anything wrong there (no problem when accessing AI/AO of both cards through "test panel")
Thank you very much for you help.
10-13-2009 02:38 PM
10-14-2009 05:41 AM
That's what bugs me. The only thing that those 2 cards share is an AO of the 6110 connected to an AI of the 6036.
For the rest, nothing is common. The 1st program only deal with device1, while the 2nd prog only access dev2. There shouldnt be any problem and everything is working fine separately. Hence, why I was wondering if the traditional daq and daqmx might conflict on a same computer.
I just cant find out why the 2nd program controling the daqmx card just freeze everytime the 1st program access the traditional card. It actually doesnt freeze completly but becomes soooo slow, with about only 2 iterations of the main while loop during those 15-20 sec (instead of the normal 3-4000 iterations during such a period).
The computer specs are a 2.2ghz proc for 1G of ram and running XP, so it should be ok.. even though the computer does slow a bit down when the 1st prog access the traditional card.
10-15-2009 12:06 PM