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How to stop excel from opening while saving data?

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I'm trying to save data into an excel file and I constantly use that same file to update the information. The problem is, everytime I update or create an excel file, it actually opens a excel window. I want it to create and save data without opening it for the user!


I hope I could made my problem clear...

Below you can take a look at some of the VIs I use to create and uptade information.

My comments are in Portuguese, so I gave you the hole VI, so you can use the help option to get what's going on.


Thanks for the attention!

Smiley Happy

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Set ActiveX Property Node ->Application -> Visible to False


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Accepted by topic author Evps

ok, so... i got the answer for my own problem... i was working on it for about 2 days and now that i asked i figure it out.

If anyone was similar problema, here is the solution:


At the New Report VI, set "no change" at window state.

Simple as that xD

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