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How to store frequencies on array

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i'm trying to store frequencies get from peak detector in array, but i get only one value. why i can't store every value in specific index


Thank's for any helpCapture.PNG

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by Chakib11

Hi Chakib,


but i get only one value. why i can't store every value in specific index

Your VI only detects one peak in that one waveform you generate - and so "every" value is stored in the array…


Why do you wire the result of one SimulateSignal ExpressVI to the frequency input of the next one? (Why not use a simple Random function?)

Why do you convert that single DDT wire from your SimulateSignal (containing just one waveform) into an array of waveforms?


Why don't you start with something more simple to understand how the peak detector works?

check.png(no ExpressVIs anymore…)

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 2 of 3


it is too hard to do it easy when we are beginner Smiley Very Happy 


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