07-08-2022 12:36 AM
07-08-2022 03:04 AM - edited 07-08-2022 03:07 AM
Honestly, this is going to be beyond your knowledge. There is no simple, ready made point and click solution for this!
Basically translating a semi static thing like a LabVIEW front panel is already an arduous job to do. The folks from LabSocket did a reasonable attempt at that, but this kind of thing is unfortunately doomed in nowadays fast evolving web universe. What was cutting edge technology a few years ago, is considered insecure and often is already disabled in most modern web browsers by default nowadays, if not entirely removed from it. And while the basic HTML encoding is fairly standardized, the ideas about how to embed content in a webpage is very much part of heated discussions and each browser tends to favor its own methods.
Unfortunately, providing a LabVIEW toolkit has pretty much zero chance to even recover the costs of ongoing maintenance, let's not even talk about the effort for initial development and ongoing improvements. The result is that after an initial surge of activity where such a toolkit is developed based on the motivation to implement something new, they tend to linger around rather sooner than later and be forgotten soon. In a market like the web, with its ever evolving technologies and obsoletion of methods because they are quickly considered insecure, this is a fatal thing.
Technically there is no reasonable way that LabVIEW or a toolkit like LabSocket could stream live video from the panel in a generic way. ActiveX controls are a nice way of embedding external content in a window, but they are inherently unsuited for an intermediate technology like LabSocket or even a built in LabVIEW front panel web remote server, to stream its contents. The interface to access an ActiveX control is control specific, so such a technology would need to know exactly what kind of ActiveX control is embedded and what APIs it provides to access its content. That obviously is not going to fly at all.
If your camera is an IP camera with a built in webserver, you could create your own HTML5 stream and embed the camera webserver URL in it. LabSocket could be made to provide hooks that allow you to modify the generated HTML5 stream for specific controls. Maybe it already supports that somehow, I never used it, but even if it would, this is going to be something that is not going to be trivial and will likely require some serious tinkering. If it doesn't allow such control specific customization yet, it would be a major effort to add this to it and considering that the product hasn't been updated in several years, it would seem unlikely that this could happen.
If the camera has no built in webserver of its own, the only method that remains possible to implement with reasonable effort is to publish a static image of the front panel with a not to high auto refresh rate.
07-09-2022 02:38 AM
07-09-2022 02:41 AM
07-09-2022 03:18 AM - edited 07-09-2022 03:22 AM
@ahmadahmad wrote:
Some items do not appear in the browser How do I do ActiveX in order for all items to appear correctly in the browser??
You simply don’t! Sorry to be so blunt here but the idea to try to stream an ActiveX control might have seemed a reasonable idea in 1998 when Microsoft was touting its IE as greatest invention since the inception of the universe and ActiveX as means to make it all ubiquitous. It is now 2022 and ActiveX is mainly a bad memory in the minds of old and grey haired tech geeks like me, and Microsoft would rather have it magically disappear from history than having to spend any time in trying to keep it working in every new Windows version because so many old legacy systems still depend on it (including their own Officesuite for integration into 3rd party customer solutions).
And considering your mentioning that you need this urgently and do not have time to tinker and experiment I’m soryy to say that you appear to be stuck between a wall and a hard place. This problem is not simple to solve. LabSocket seems to have possibilities to add tags to control captions that trigger it to call custom hooks that you write as VIs and which let you then inject html or Java Script code into the HTML stream generation of LabSocket. It still would be some serious work to extract the current image from the ActiveX control using its specific ActiveX API and then storing it somewhere where the LabSocket server can access it and inserting an according HTML tag in the LabSocket hook to point at it. And it would not be really live but just a regular static image update every few seconds. Quite a bit of work even for someone experienced with LabSocket.
07-09-2022 08:08 AM
07-10-2022 07:55 AM - edited 07-10-2022 07:58 AM
I’m not a Web developer. I’m more interested in the underlaying technologies than how to put a website online. As to putting LabVIEW front panels in a web browser, it’s an interesting challenge but one which doesn’t trigger me enough to spend lots of time with it. Add to that the fact that whatever I would develop in such a way is likely doomed to not work anymore in the web browsers a few years from now and even nowadays can fail already on different browser for whatever reason.
In my professional work we never really used LabVIEW web front panels simply because what LabVIEW provided out of the box was to static and trying to hack something into it was almost as much work but much more unmaintainable than developing a proper web server backend on something like Apache and have it communicate with the LabVIEW application through CGI and later PHP/explicit TCP connection to the LabVIEW app.
But in most cases we use explicit LabVIEW applications on both sides, that communicate over TCP or UDP through their application specific protocol. I’m confident that I could develop something more browser related but the time and effort to do so would be rather prohibitive. To costly for use in one of our professional projects and to time consuming for a hobby project.