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How to test if thermocouple is attached.

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Hello, I am using the cRIO-9023, and the NI9213 module to read temperature from thermocouples. I give the user up to 16 thermometers allready programmed in labview to display the temperature. The issue I have is, I want to turn off the thermomiters if no thermocouple is plugged in. I called NI and they said there is no built in function to test this, so I have to check by comparing the value. for example if the units are set  on fahrenheit, then if a thermocouple is not plugged in it reads at like 2500 degrees, so what I want to do is test if the type is fahrenheit, and if it is, then have my max temperature set to 2000 degrees. Then I can test IF temp ? 2000, turn off thermomiter.  


How do I micic a programming statement like this: 

If Type = Fahrenheit THEN  maxTemp = 2000

ELSE IF Type = Celsius  THEN maxTemp = 1500


Basicly I want a boolian to trigger an action of setting some indicator.


Also, if I set a indicator to dome value, how can I read it by another controll ?


I would like a way to do this without globial/local variables as my cRIO does not like them. 



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Message 1 of 5

Use a case structure or even select if you just have two possibilities.



CLA CTAChampionI'm attending the GLA Summit!
Subscribe to the Test Automation user group: UK Test Automation Group
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Message 2 of 5

I have 5 cases (Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Rankine, and volts), and Iam attmepting to use the case structure,  I had nested cases, and I wire different constants (for the different types from within my cases out to an indicator. From there, how can I read from that indicator so that I can ues it for the other logic ? right now I can only hook up imputs to the indicator, but I want to read what the indicator is, so that I can use the value elseware.

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author calvin.8900

Use an appropriate comparison function. Greater in this case.


CLA CTAChampionI'm attending the GLA Summit!
Subscribe to the Test Automation user group: UK Test Automation Group
Message 4 of 5

I tried it and it is working! Thank you!

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Message 5 of 5