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How to trigger multiple producer consumer loop simutaneously

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How it is Race Condition Problem?

-If it's race condition only the buffers are overwritten why does the Grab function still executing?

-It will proceed and it will just push image.

-The green arrow says it's executing when you highlight execution.

-The problem is with the way you are using Grab function.

-The other points i pointed because you 1)shouldn't misuse functions. 2) To avoid Further problems.

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Message 11 of 13

Well, I THINK it is a race condition because of what others told me. I cannot imagine what is wrong with my Grab function, how can I fix it ?

I'm sorry for being so ignorant in LabView, but I'm trying to solve this for a long time now, and I can not see what is wrong..

Thanks for your time

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Message 12 of 13

Grab function works in two modes:

Wait for Next Buffer(Yes) means untill next acquired image is available it'll not finish and hence it is stuck there waiting for next acuired buffer image to be ready.

-If you keep no(False) then it returns whatever was acquired last. But whenever you go to grab it might return last acquired duplicate.

-So you keep mode to false and keep track of Buffer number it returns. If it is changed means you have to take that image else it is duplicate.

-In 2015 version i think labview introduced Last New mode which returns only the no returned buffer.

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Message 13 of 13