08-09-2012 04:01 PM
Hi all-
This is probably an easy one but I was wondering if anyone knew how to turn that list of available toolkits and associated "# of days remaining" splash screen back ON? I checked the "do not display at startup" box once but now would like to have that back. We use a lot of lab laptops with disconnected license files and its helpful to see when I need to request a refreshed file from our licensing admin (she makes them expire yearly).
08-09-2012 05:03 PM
Check the LabVIEW.ini file (in the same directory as LabVIEW.exe). I'd guess there's a value there that you can set, although I don't know off-hand which one since I've never had this issue.
08-13-2012 06:19 PM
Thanks nathand, good suggestion - unfortunately I looked in there and nothing jumped out at me...? I did change the field "IsFirstLaunch?" from False to True thinking that might re-trigger the screen to appear but no dice
08-13-2012 06:54 PM
Oh well, seemed like a reasonable guess. You could try removing the INI file (rename or move to another folder) and see if that dialog reappears; if it does, compare the generated INI file to your previous one.
08-13-2012 11:46 PM
I vaguely remember there was some setting in the LabVIEW-> Tools-> Options screen for this licens screen to be seen.
I looked around in the license manager and the options screen but cannot find it now. I remember setting it in an older version of LabVIEW.
Now, I am not sure myself about how i did this.
I will look into it and let you know if i find the answer.
08-14-2012 09:10 AM
Thank you Freelance 🙂
08-15-2012 03:26 PM
Hi kenbroc,
You can find when your licenses will expire by going to the NI License Manager (Start->All Programs->National Instruments -> License Manager). Once there expand local licenses, expand the version of LabVIEW you are interested in, expand development system, and then select your development system. On the right hand side will be the information pertaining to that install including License File Expiration. This is the recommended way to lookup license information, but if you still want the splash screen I can look more into if it is possible to get that back for you.
08-16-2012 05:19 AM
I want to know how practical it is for you, to reinstall LabVIEW (only) on your lab PCs.
If you can modify LabVIEW from Control Panel - Add or Remove programs, using the installation DVD, without touching the other addons and drivers, you may get back the activation dialog box.
that is if you do not enter the serial number and continue installation in evaluation mode.
if it is not too great a task, you may try this. i am not able to find any solution to this. there seems to be no evident ini token for this.
08-16-2012 11:12 AM
Thanks Haagen-Dazs and Freelance!
Wow this question has gotten more complicated than I thought!
And yes, Freelance - the License Manager does give me what I need...although (maybe it's just me) that thing can be kinda confusing to me. Well at least when I had "Professional Level" install and the toolkits showed up all seperate (especially Vision Acquisition and Vision Development and etc etc which showed up seperately) - then when I got the Developer Suite it actually cleaned the heck out of the license manager screen and made it way more clear. But that's a whole other thread in itself. I could use a 3 day training in how to read the license manager.
08-16-2012 12:08 PM
@Freelance LV wrote:
I want to know how practical it is for you, to reinstall LabVIEW (only) on your lab PCs.
If you can modify LabVIEW from Control Panel - Add or Remove programs, using the installation DVD, without touching the other addons and drivers, you may get back the activation dialog box.
that is if you do not enter the serial number and continue installation in evaluation mode.
if it is not too great a task, you may try this. i am not able to find any solution to this. there seems to be no evident ini token for this.
Then I guess you will not be able run again because you cannot install the same evaluation version again (Unless you delete files from registery)