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How to use DAQ Assistant to display two analog channels in a XY Graph


I am new to LabVIEW. I have been assigned a project in which i have to display two analog signals from an analog potentiostat i.e. voltage and current (also a voltage signal) on a graph using labview. I am using a myDAQ device to acquire these analog signals and I am using labview 2013 to display these signals on a graph. I am using DAQ assistant to configure these signals. Rightnow I have separate graphs for each channel. However, I want a single XY graph to display one voltage as a function of the other i.e. I want to have voltage on the X-axis and current output on the Y axis. Any kind of help is greatly appreciated.


I have attached a screenshot of the VI. that I have made.



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Message 1 of 4

There is an Express VI called Build XY Graph you can use.


It gets dropped automatically if you use the Ex XY Graph indicator when you are on the front panel.

Message 2 of 4

Thanks for the quick response. I was able to make a X-Y graph. However, I can only see a dot floating around. It's not drawing anything. I want to see it making a plot as it collects data. Also, I want to see the complete waveform formed when I stop the VI.




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Message 3 of 4
You probably have the reset input set to true.
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Message 4 of 4