02-19-2007 03:33 AM
02-19-2007 07:15 PM
03-20-2009 07:06 AM
I need to read encoder position with labview. I have a quadrature encoder an PCI-6023e daq card.
I can read encoder count but i'd to count up clockwise and count down anti-clockwise. But with E-series card i can have the daqmx create channel option : angular position.
So how i can have rotational information on my encoder?
Does anyone have a solution ?
03-24-2009 01:50 AM
03-25-2009 02:33 PM
Hello Jerome and Kate,
While certain task types and features are limited to M Series devices, there is still a lot of functionality that exists with E Series devices. I would recommend that you examine these two resources to see if your current device can accomplish what you need:
NI Tutorial: Using Quadrature Encoders with E Series DAQ Boards
NI Example Program: Quadrature Encoder with E Series Devices Using NI-DAQmx.vi