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How to vizualize circles found after using the shape detection function in vision assistant module?

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I'm trying to make image processing using vision assistant module. I'm looking for circles with exact radius. I can find them using shape detection function that is visualizing them into the vision assistant module. After starting my VI application the circles could not be visualized (not drawn). How to visualize them? Thank you!

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by tiho_bg

It depends from Vis you using for Circle detection.

For example, if I will use Find Circular Edge in VA, then export script as VI, it will looks like that:


and as shown on the snippet above - you can control which elements needs to be shown and which color should be used, the result looks like this:

Screenshot 2024-03-21 09.20.42.png

This visualization is "embedded into IMAQ Find Circular Edge.

In common situation, if you using other methods for circle's detection, you can use IMAQ Overlay Oval and show circle at the given coordinates as needed.


Message 2 of 3

I have an object that is not a circle and I want to draw a circle into this object. I do it using shape detection in vision assistant and I can see all circles when I open vision assistant module. When I open my VI application I can't see the circles. I think that using find circular edge I will draw a circle only around circular objects. In fact this is not my case! If I use IMAQ Overlay oval I draw only rectangles. 

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Message 3 of 3