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I am working with a pneumatic actuator and I want to control the supply of compressed air according to the load required using labview


     I am working with a pneumatic actuator and this is coupled to a generator. According to the load requirement I want to control the supply of compressed air into the pneumatic actuator. 

can someone give somehints to write a control program using labview.

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Message 1 of 3

@haneeshcb wrote:


     I am working with a pneumatic actuator and this is coupled to a generator. According to the load requirement I want to control the supply of compressed air into the pneumatic actuator. 

can someone give somehints to write a control program using labview.


  • What are the inputs and outputs you want to acquisition(voltage, current, TTL signals, load sensing...) and control(analog voltages, TTL signals, drivers,ssr,relays, power fets...)
  • Aquiring a Daq is a start or Arduino Uno to read and control your hardware interfaces to your device
  • what are the specification requirements and operations...
  • Have you done a forum search on key words? "pneumatic"....

Being general, opens discussion to nebulous assumptions which members don't have the luxury of time to spend..Though they are willing to help, you must put forth more effort in describing your project, requirements, sensing and controlling, but above all..."what is the problem that you are experiencing?"

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Message 2 of 3


My output is voltage,current and my input i.e., to vary pressure and flow rate to run at particular rpm to generate voltage.

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Message 3 of 3