01-22-2018 03:06 PM
Hey all,
I recently purchased a small, benchtop electro-dynamic shaker table along with 2 DSI 1000 power amps. My goal is drive the shaker corresponding to a random vibration time history that I synthesized based on my desired PSD.
At this point, I'm at a roadblock regarding how to proceed. I presume that I need to normalize my acceleration time history data in some way (centered about 0, +/- 1..?) then need to build a GUI to write the scaled values as AO voltage data. Upon feeding that 'signal' into the PA's I could gradually turn up the sensitivity until my accelerometers indicate that I am hitting my desired acceleration levels. For anyone familiar with sound and vibration, does this seem to be on the right track?
A big issue I'm encountering is that my time history data only spans 5 secs, yet consists of 160k data points (which means I need to write at 32kHz!!). I'm only using a cdaq + NI 9263 module so I find it unlikely I'll be able to hit this mark.
Additionally, I'm wondering what the best way of creating the UI would be. Given my extreme sample rate requirement, what would be the most computationally efficient way to pull my time history data into the code? (I.e.: Is it faster to continually open and read an excel/ text file or is it faster to read everything in at once, build an array, and use that?)
I'm relatively new to the world of signal manipulation so any insight would be greatly appreciated.
TLDR for this post: I have time history for a PSD -- how do I utilize labview to write the data properly to a pair of power amplifiers?
The attached files are as follows (open with excel or something similar)
"WTP_th" = acceleration time history data for a 5 sec duration. 12.8 Hz frequency resolution
"workmanshipvibe_input_0.04" = my desired power spectral density for driving the shaker table
01-23-2018 11:58 AM
Hi !
For LabVIEW you could use this VI, for the PSD http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361G-01/lvwave/fft_power_spec_psd/
I think you would need the Sound and Vibration Toolkit
Here is also a good tutorial of how to use LabVIEW and a spectral analysis
Also, you could use one of the examples that come with LabVIEW, go to the NI Example finder searh for hardware input and output, select DAQmx, Analog output and try the Voltage Finite Output Vi.
01-23-2018 01:32 PM
Hey Andr3s_Br3n3s,
Thanks for the reply. I already have my acceleration time history, based on my desired PSD so I don't think your first link is what I need. I do have the sound and vibe toolkit, so I'll continue to take a look at that, however it seems to be that most of the functions contained are for signal analysis.
The toolkit seems very limited in its ability to process and output given signals (i.e. I have a signal, I just need a way to effectively filter and output it). I'll take a look at that NI tutorial, as well. Thanks