07-16-2024 02:26 AM
I'm using non-IMAQ 16-bit grayscale camera.
It using excelitas custom SDK, and it returns U16 image(Thick blue line).
I'm trying to make custom limit on dyamic range.
Below picture is the my method.
However, an integer overflow occurs when typecasting from U32 to U16.
Before typecasting, I'm asking if there's a method to replace all values greater than 65535 with 65535 or if there are other dynamic range limiting methods available.
Thank you.
07-16-2024 04:15 AM
@wsw_98 wrote:4
I'm trying to make custom limit on dyamic range.
Can you elaborate what you mean with this?
Your code makes no sense. Why are you casting a U16 image to U32, increasing the range by multiplying by 10 and then effectively casting to U16 using IMAQ array to image?