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I want to combine lvm files into one file

I am using an HP482X impedance analyzer and collecting a sweep of data. The data is saved as an lvm file then repeats. As a result I have ~200 lvm files that I want to combine into one lvm file or preferably excel file. They are all stored in a folder. I have been copying and pasting outside of labview but the amount of data is getting to big. I tried to program a loop to combine the files into one array to print but got stuck. Does anyone have suggestions or better a VI to do this. Thanks.

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Message 1 of 4

We cannot tell how to do it better unless you show us how you are doing it. 😄


How do you want the data to be arranged in the output file (e.g. all concatenated or one column for each file, etc. What about the time column?) How much data is in each lvm file? What save options did you use?


Instead of an excel file, I would recommend a tab delimited plain ASCII spreadsheet file. Excel will be able to open it just fine.

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Message 2 of 4

The Lvm contains a text header in one column and data in the other three columns and is attached as an excel for example only. The goal is to concatenate the data so it is all listed in the same place. AscII sounds fine. I tried to copy the attached image but do not know enough about labview to find all of the icons there in the tools pallette. The files are saved as LVM with a header and number consecutively though do not always start with the same number for a respective data set. Ideally I would be able to select a folder and the program will combine all the files for me.

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Message 3 of 4

Hi mwiederod,


Have you ever taken a look at out Write to Measurement File Express vi?  It have the option to append to the same file in successive writes:


There are many different options available to you through that for formatting your data.


Mason M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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