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I2C communications using FTDI MPSSE Cable and TE Pressure Sensor

I have an FTDI MPSSE cable and a TE Pressure Sensor


FTDI provide LabVIEW drivers for the FTDI but I have been unable to detect a response.  My setup is as shown below.



I am using a 3.3 V FTDI with the 5V TE pressure sensor.  FTDI have stated this should be fine.


According to the TE specification:


The I2C address consists of a 7-digit binary value. The factory setting for the I2C slave address is 0x28, 0x36 or 0x46 depending on the interface type selected from the ordering information. The address is always followed by a write bit (0) or read bit (1).The default hexadecimal I2C header for read access to the sensor is therefore 0x51, 0x6D, 0x8D respectively, based on the ordering information.


I could not get the FTDI driver running so tried Benoit's driver:


However, there is still no response from the MS4525DO.


When sending 0x51 (1010001) with the stop bit enabled, the following appears on the scope.


Send 51 with start.png


But no response.


When sending 0x28, the following appears on the scope but again no reply:


Send 28 with start bit.png


zooming in...


Send 28 with start bit zoom.png


I don't understand the leading pulse when sending 0x28.


Anyway, my problem is that no matter what I do, I get ther error


libMPSSE.lvlib:Error Converter (ErrCode or Status).vi<ERR>

<b>Complete call chain:</b>
libMPSSE.lvlib:Error Converter (ErrCode or Status).vi
libMPSSE.lvlib:I2C Device


Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11
Please send your file. I'll try to have a look at it.

Message 2 of 11

Hello SeanJ,


I noticed that the FTDI manual mentions that it uses its application software to select interface mode (SPI, I2C etc.).

Are you able to configure this correctly?


Also, which version of LabVIEW are you using? I am having some issues with using the driver together with LabVIEW 2015 SP1, but maybe that's just my computer.


Have you seen the pdf attached with the driver called "AN_177_User_Guide_For_LibMPSSE-I2C"?

It describes the included VIs, and the error you are seeing is described as follows:

"Return code FT_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND would mean that the I2C slave didn’t respond when it was addressed and so the function returned before even beginning any data transfer. Typically this would mean that the address passed to the function was incorrect, or the address of the I2C slave has been configured incorrectly(i.e. if the slave allows it), or the I2C master and the I2C slave isn’t connected properly."


In the function "I2C_DeviceRead", what number and data type are you feeding into the deviceAddress parameter? Are you providing the number as 0x28 hexadecimal or 40 decimal?


When initiating your channel, what are you providing in the ChannelConfig input?


Kind regards,

Christopher Westlye
Applications Engineering

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11



I too am having trouble using the MPSEE files you've created. The number of channels always comes back as 0, with no error even though there is a FT4323H connected. Any thoughts?





0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

Sorry to hear that you have problem with the FT4323, but here it's working flawlessly with the C232HM on production since many month.

I do not have the FT4323 on hand. be sure you use theire last dll and driver... it's the only advice I can tell you right now because I do not have the cable that you are referencing on hand.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Hey Benoit,


Thanks for the response. You are correct that the DLL and associated Labview code works. I ran into an interesting issue where it didn't work on a particular Dell laptop that I was using, but the same code and DLL worked on other computers. Not sure how/why that happened, but it was a very frustrating problem to encounter.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

I'm glad to see that it worked. Concerning the DELL laptop, be sure you use a USB 2.0... It might be the problem....



Message 7 of 11



You are absolutely correct! I just got word back from FTDI. Turns out that if you have Win7 and using a USB 3 port, the DLL will not work, but it will work in subsequent Win OSes (allegedly). I'm going to update my OS and see if it works.


So, if anyone runs into this problem, this may be your issue.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

I'm glad that you figure it all. 🙂


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

I'm new to FTDI and am trying to interface FTDI232HM with LabVIEW. Using your MPSSE LabVIEW driver I can get the device info as in the picture, but could you please let me know how to query results from a particular memory address of the device a small example would be very helpful.

Best Regards,


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Message 10 of 11