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IMAQ AVI Read Frame Trigger Error

I have an application that is creating avi clips of a process.  This application is writing frame data which is read later in another application.  It is at this point, during the reading of the data that an Error -1074396037 Trigger error is occuring.  I am using IMAQ Vision 7.0 and Labview 7.0.  Attached is an avi that was created. It consists of a total of 75 frames.  Also attached is a simplified version of the frame read part of my application.  When reading the frame data I get the error at frames 36 and 51.
I was hoping somebody could have a look and see why I am getting the error.
Terry Sopkow
Sr. Reseach Technologist
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hi Terry,

I ran your program with your video and got error 1074395975 DirectX has timed out reading the avi file.  I do not think there is anything wrong with your program because I ran your program with a different avi file and it worked perfectly.  I also ran the shipping example Read AVI with your video and got the same timeout error.

So there must be something wrong with your avi file.  Perhaps frames 36 and 51 are missing or corrupt for some reason.  Try creating the avi file again and see if you still have the same problem.  If you do, then we'll have to investigate the problem with the creation of the file.

Christopher W.

Application Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 4

Hi Christopher,

This is an intermittent problem that is occuring.  The video clip that I sent as an example is from a series of 12 clips that were taken.  From this series, 3 clips are giving the same error.  I am not sure how the avi file is written, but is the problem with the image or the frame data?  Do you have any suggestions on how I should proceed with the diagnosis?

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Message 3 of 4
Hi Terry,
It could be a problem with the frame data but I think it could also be because of the compression that was used with the avi file.  I checked that avi file and noticed that is uses a compression filter: Compression Mpeg4 Decoder DMO.  It is possible that LabVIEW is unable to read files well with that codec.  If you can, try creating the files with a different compression filter or none at all.
Christopher W.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 4 of 4