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IMAQ Write File JPEG2000 error when deploying to NI Linux RT

I am currently porting a LV2016 real-time application that was developed to target a PXIe-8135 to LV2021 RT on a PXIe-8861 target. This application makes use of the IMAQ function 'IMAQ Write File' with the 'JPEG2000' option selected. I get "Deployment completed with errors" when attempting to deploy this app to the 8861. No errors if other option such as BMP, TIFF etc are selected. Is the 'JPEG2000' option supported in NI Linux RT? If not what other options are available in NI Linux RT to write IMAQ image data to a JP2 file? 

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hello Robert,


May I ask which version of NI Linux RT you use?


Best Regards.

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Message 2 of 4

We are currently using LabVIEW RT 21.0.


The error I get when deploying to the PXIe-8861 target is as follows:



It seems to only be an issue when specifically selecting the JPEG2000 file type option for 'IMAQ Write File 2' or when reading in a JP2 file using 'IMAQ ReadFile 2': 

Robert_North_1-1719394587473.png      Robert_North_3-1719395252744.png


Looking at the IMAQ Write File 2 block diagram show that the Call Library Function is configured to call the Function LV_WriteJPEG2000File which forms part of the nivision.* library. 



Is there an issue with this function when it comes to the NI RT Linux OS running on the PXIe-8861? Could it be that this is resolved in LV2024 as we are contemplating moving to LV2024 soon?


This has recently become a real issue for us as the PXIe-8840 (runs PharLap RTOS) that we us on a wide range of our machines has reached EOL and our recommended upgrade path is the PXIe-8862 which runs NI RT Linux.


Kind regards,


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Message 3 of 4

Tested the above on a 8861 running LabVIEW Real-Time 24.0 with the same result. 

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Message 4 of 4