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IMAQdx GeniCam parameters not maintain



I use a GeniCam camera (A655) and when I open/close an IMAQdx session, the objects parameters are redefined to a default value (293.15 for ReflectedTemperature ).

Are there a solution to maintain values and not lost them when I open a session ?


Thanks by advance.


Best regards.


Julien V.


[LabVIEW Programming]


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

There are two methods that I've used to ensure Camera Parameters are set to values that I want when I open a new session:

  • Explicitly set the parameters to the values I want at the beginning of the session (this almost always works, though some camera models don't let you set everything -- see your Camera's manual and write a lot of Test Code).
  • Explicitly set the parameters and then get the Camera to "save as default" (if it has this capability, and if it will allow those parameters to take Default Values).  See previous caveats.

Another way to set Camera Parameters that also "sometimes" works is to use the Manufacturer's API and software to set up the camera and/or lock in default settings.  The problem comes that this might not "play well" with IMAQdx (I'm wrestling with such a situation, myself).


Bob Schor

Message 2 of 3

Hello Bob_Schor,


Thank you, I try it !


Julien V.


[LabVIEW Programming]


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 3