09-30-2019 10:58 AM
I use a GeniCam camera (A655) and when I open/close an IMAQdx session, the objects parameters are redefined to a default value (293.15 for ReflectedTemperature ).
Are there a solution to maintain values and not lost them when I open a session ?
Thanks by advance.
Best regards.
09-30-2019 01:38 PM
There are two methods that I've used to ensure Camera Parameters are set to values that I want when I open a new session:
Another way to set Camera Parameters that also "sometimes" works is to use the Manufacturer's API and software to set up the camera and/or lock in default settings. The problem comes that this might not "play well" with IMAQdx (I'm wrestling with such a situation, myself).
Bob Schor
10-01-2019 02:58 AM