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IP integration node error. "Failed to call Windows API"

Hello. I'm new to integrating VHDL code in a labview project so I'm trying to create a very basic implementation.


I have the following code in an IP integration node:


library IEEE;

entity main is
    Port ( button : in STD_LOGIC := '0';
           led : out STD_LOGIC);
end main;

architecture Behavioral of main is
    led <= button; 
end Behavioral;

 Which exists in the attached subVI


Compilation works fine, but when trying to run and deploy the vi to a myRIO I get the following error.


Error in IP integration node:


Possible reason(s)

Failed to call Windows API. If this error persists, contact National instruments technical support.


The subVi containting the IP integration node is put into the RT automatically created by the myRIO fpga template.


As I said, I'm still very unsure about how to include VHDL code in labview, so if anyone knows about some basic tutorial then please link one here.

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Message 1 of 5

It sounds like the problem is not with the IP but with the deploy process, xilinx tools, or any number of other things (there are obviously no windows APIs on your fpga target) so it might be better to give a screenshot of the error.


To answer your other question about a tutorial, it just so happens that there is one tucked away in the help:

and here:


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi mcarlie,


As Dems mentioned, it would be great if you can send a screenshot of the error with the error code so that we can investigate further into the issue.




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Message 3 of 5

Thanks for the replies. Turns out that the IP integration node needs to be in the FPGA default VI in order to run properly. I tried putting it in RT since I couldn't figure out how to interface with the myRIO leds and button in the FPGA vi.

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Message 4 of 5

Hi mcarlie,


Thank you for updating us and I'm glad you solved the issue.



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Message 5 of 5