I'm currently trying to use a Kvaser Leaf Light (https://www.kvaser.com/product/kvaser-leaf-light-hs-v2/) to communicate with a BLDC motor driver that's using the CiA DS402 standard. I installed the driver for the leaf light as well as the Labview DLL for the leaf light. I was really confused when opening the example from the DLL as I didn't understand what I was supposed to enter in the respective fields like message ID and DLC. Keep in mind I am brand new to CAN/CANopen. I did some research into the topic and it appears that the Leaf light only provides the CAN-BUS (physical and link layer) and not the application layer which would be the CANopen protocol.
Am I correct in assuming I have to fully implement CANopen on top of the DLL provided by Kvaser? If so, am I overthinking this or does this seem like a daunting task that will probably take more than a week to accomplish? Should I look into purchasing a different USB-CAN interface that already has CANopen implemented?