05-04-2012 02:17 AM
My labview is Labview 2009 64 bit, I use PostLVUserEvent to post message with cluster data to labview. The following is the struct in dll:
typedef struct {
int32 dimSize;
uInt8 elt[1];
typedef TD1DINT8 **TD1DINT8Hdl;
typedef struct{
int32 interruptSource;
TD1DINT8Hdl portData;
}DIInterruptData, *PDIInterruptData, **HDIInterruptData;
In labview, the DIInterruptData corresponds to a cluster, in which there are a int32 integer and a uint8 array.
It works well in labview 32bit. But in labview 64bit, unhanlded exception occured. why?
05-04-2012 02:28 AM
You posted same thing twice.
05-04-2012 02:42 AM
Hi Danil,
when complaining about double-posts one should provide a link to the other thread to guide other users...