05-12-2008 12:09 PM
I received a reply from a NI Applications Engineer who relayed a response from the developers who say that although changing the number of plots seemed to work (in 8.5, I assume they mean), it actually corrupted the VI. To prevent this, any attempt to modify the number of plots is now blocked and error 1000 is given.
05-13-2008 12:55 AM
05-13-2008 07:28 AM
The Applications Engineer suggested using VI Server to accomplish changes to the Number of Legend Rows. This has been discussed here, but as far as I can see, no actual example has been posted. I would appreciate being shown how to modify my example VI in the first post to use VI Server. Thanks.
05-13-2008 08:12 AM
05-13-2008 02:17 PM
05-13-2008 03:13 PM - edited 05-13-2008 03:14 PM
Thanks Spex. This example works to increase or decrease the number of displayed plots "live real time" while the vi is running. I will try this approach in my programs.
Is it necessary to have your Chart Refnum on the While Loop as a Shift Register ? The program still runs after changing it to a Tunnel.
Now - is there a way to toggle between Stacked and Overlay modes during run-time ?
05-13-2008 04:25 PM - edited 05-13-2008 04:27 PM
05-13-2008 11:01 PM
06-26-2008 10:33 PM
Your stacked_plot_workaround works while in edit mode. When built to an executable using LV 8.5 the number of displayed plots no long changes. The Number of Rows in the legend does change though. The number of displayed plots remains whatever it was in the subpanel chart.vi. If the Number of Plots control is made larger than the number of plots in subpanel chart.vi, those additional plots are all shown on plot0. If the Number of Plots control is made less than the number of plots in subpanel chart.vi, the extra plots are shown as empty. In edit mode, the number of displayed plots tracks the number of rows in the legend. Is the problem with the built executable that what is actually being used to vary the number of displayed plots is indirectly the Number of Rows in legend property (which does change correctly). Is there some issue with whatever link or action is used to indirectly cause the number of displayed plots to also change and track the Number of Legend Rows property ?
06-27-2008 10:43 AM