Still trying to understand what you want to obtain (already 2 kg acetylsalicilic acid).
For a given pixel location, and for 3 intensity values I, you have a corresponding time T and voltage values V. That defines 3 points in the ITV space, and you can draw a plane (triangular piece of) through these 3 points.
Now, for another pixel, you will get another plane triangle, with the same I values, that as little reasons to share an edge with the previous one. That means that you will not be able to construct a surface from the association of the different triangles that you get at each pixel location (as evidenced with your vi when you set the case to true).
Therefore, I suppose that what you want to do is to visualize separately each pl
ane triangle at each pixel location.
Attached is an example of what you could do, using a 2D index to choose the pixel coordinates. By the way, I used here another possible representation of your data, as an intensy graph, where the cursor is used to generate the 2D index.
Hope this helps...
Due to technical problemes, I have to separate the vi as main + 2 subs.
Chilly Charly (aka CC)