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Installation of NI System API .NET

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I am working on a project where an installer is built on the development computer and then deployed on the target machine. Both have Windows 7 Enterprise installed. Everything works fine until it is time to install the executable onthe target computer. An error message pops up at about 85% of process, complaining failure of the "NI System API .NET 5.5.0" installation becasue a later version of that already being installed. I am pretty sure no any NI product existed before this installation therefore had no idea where the exact problem is.


For the troubleshooing purpose I am also attaching the screenshot of the error message mentioned aboe.

Any of your help would be greatly appreciated.

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Message 1 of 12

Hello Steven,


Under Installer Properties -> Additional Installers, what installers have you selected? What versions are these? I have run into this error once in the past, and it was due to a versioning conflict amongst additional installers. Perhaps this is also the culprit in this instance.




Andrew T.
"His job is to shed light, and not to master" - Robert Hunter
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

Hello Andrew,


I am glad to see eventually someone was in the same boat and would lend me a hand with experience...

The following is a list of additional installers I selected for this installation.

1. NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2012 SP1 f9

.Math Kenel Libraries

.NI ActiveX Container

.NI Error Reporting 2012 SP1

.NI LabVIEW 2012 SP1 Real-Time Engine Non-English Support

.NI LabVIEW 2012 SP1 Web Server

.NI Logos 5.4

.NI System Web Server 2.4

.NI TDM Streaming 2.4

.NI VC2008MSMs

2. NI Measurement & Automation Explorer 14.0.1

.NI Error Reporting

3. NI R Series Multifunction RIO 12.1

4. NI-DAQmx 9.8 Patch1

5. NI-DAQmx Application Development Support 9.8

6. NI-DAQmx Core Runtime 9.8

7. NI-DAQmx MAX Configuration Support 9.8

8. NI-RIO 12.1

.NI MAX Configuration Support

9. NI-Serial 4.0

10. NI-VISA Runtime 14.0


Could you see any candidates in this list that cause the versioning conflict? Aslo I would like to know how did you end up into this similar issue before and how did you resolve that. Thanks.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

Hello Steven


It sounds like NI MAX 14.0 is getting installed from one of the 14.0 installers, and then DAQmx 9.8 is trying to install an older version and failing. You should confirm if MAX 14.0 is the version installed in your PC. I found similar cases with this issue. It seems to tie back to that fact that you are using drivers from 2014 with drivers from 2013 in this one installer. A possible fix is to either upgrade all installers in the main installer to 2014, or downgrade them to 2013.



Frank R.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

Hi Steven,


I believe Frank hit the nail on the head. The 14.0 version will try to install a newer version of .NET, which will cause a conflict due to the older version used by DAQmx 9.8. Please try either upgrading all your drivers to 2014 versions, or downgrading them to the appropriate version.



Andrew T.
"His job is to shed light, and not to master" - Robert Hunter
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

I am stumped with the same problem, but it isn't so clear where the issue is.  My development system has Labview 2014 f1, Measurement and Automation explorer 14.0.1, DAQmx 14.1.0.  The only other installers outside of Labview 2014 runtime and those named above is VISA runtime 14.0.1.  I can't see where the incompatiblity is arising?  Both development and target are 64 bit (although labview is 32bit).  What have I missed?

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Message 6 of 12

What I did to have my problem resolved is to sort of downgrade everything involved to what originally installed with LV 2012 SP1. By doing that I then could be able to select whatever device drivers necessary for my installer. And there would be no conflict of esstial versions to be installed. And also the order of each component to install will not matter.


To bostonscot,


Your issue seems similar. You may want to check the Readme file for each componnent you list and make sure there is no inconsistency among them. One thing that needs more attention would be the NI System API that may have different versions coming from MAX and other involved device drivers.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

Thanks for your input.  I was very reluctant to downgrade everything so I tried something else (this is more informational for anyone else looking).  First I did a full repair on my entire NI installation.  That didn't work.  Then I checked the versions of the .netapi in the original installers.  NISYSAPI_DOTNET.MSI was listed under DAQmx as v14.0.0, and VISA as 14.0.1. The labview installer itself appeared to have V5.6.0. That appeared to point to VISA being the problem, so I downgraded that to 14.0.0.  That still didn't work. I then removed each module in turn from the installer.  When I removed explicit installation of MAX, the installer ran cleanly....but I do want MAX.  Any thoughts?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

currently trying to downgrade MAX by removing and installing NI System Configuration 14.0.0.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

well, that was painful.  Downgraded system configuration (which removed labview).  Reinstalled with previous version of system configuration (14.0.0) and prevented it patching ot the latest version.  That appears to work.

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Message 10 of 12