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Installer 2011DS1: hand crafted disk labels for compatibility checks?

I have a problem with the installer of Labview 2011 DS1in combination with Vision. I want to create an installer for an application that uses vision and therefore selected the additional installers "NI Vision Common Resources 2010 SP1" and "NI Vision Run-Time Engine 2010 SP1". The assistant then asks for the disk "NI Developer Suite 2011 DS1 - DVD 2". When I insert that disk the assistant complains


"The disk you have provided is a different version of the requested disk.

Disk Requested: NI Developer Suite 2011 DS1 - DVD 2

Disk Provided: NI Developer Suite 2011 DS1 DVD 2



It seems, a litte missing hyphen in the disk name prevents me from deploying my application. You could argue to simply choose another DVD containing the run time engine. This leads to an overwhelming list of disk alternatives one has to manually click through in order to find another variant of the installer. The assistant knows what installer is missing and obviously knows whether the selected disks contain this installer but it is unable to filter the list to show applicable alternatives only.


After a lot of clicks, I found another disk containing the vision runtime. It is "NI Vision Developer Module 2010 SP 1" and when I insert a DVD that is labelled exacly the same, the assistant complains:


"The disk you have provided is a valid installer, but it does not match the disk requested.

Disk Requested: NI Vision Developer Module 2010 SP 1

Disk Provided: VDM2010SP1DVD



There is an alternative Disk that seems to have the same label as my DVD and so I selected "VDM2010SP1DVD", click "Yes" and of course get the error message I have attached. After that message, nothing else happens. At least no installer for my application is created.


Is there any way to create an installer with Labview 2011 SP1? Could you please refrain from using obviously hand crafted disk labels for compatibility checks?


With best regards

C. Manteuffel

Message 1 of 3

I had something similar happen recently, see:


I copied the VDM DVD to my hard drive and it came up on the list of alternative choices. Selected that folder and it finally completed the installer.



"It’s the questions that drive us.”
Message 2 of 3

Copying the Developer Suite DVD to a hard disk had the same effect as reading it from the DVD. It seems the label is not the DVD label but stored somewhere else. But copying the VDM DVD did the trick. Thanks a lot.

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Message 3 of 3