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Installer license agreement not showing picture

Hello all you helpful forum-goers,


I am using LabVIEW 2017 SP1 Professional, and in my installer build specification I have selected to show a license agreement file during installation (Dialog Information -> Include custom license agreement).


The file I have chosen is in RTF format and displays during installation correctly... except that it doesn't show my company's logo at the top.  A blank line is displayed instead, i.e. there is no "broken picture" graphic or anything else.  The logo is a small PNG file inserted when I am editing the file in Microsoft Word 2010 using the Insert -> Picture button at the top.


Wikipedia says that the RTF format supports PNG pictures (  Is there something I'm missing regarding why this is not working?  Or does the LabVIEW installer's display of a license agreement just not support pictures for some reason?


I apologize for not attaching the license agreement itself, but since it is proprietary software I'd want to go verify it is ok to do so, and I'm hoping there will be an easy answer given the simplicity of the situation.  🙂


Thank you for your time!



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Message 1 of 4

I cannot test but a simple thing to try first would be to use wordpad to create/edit/save the *.rtf file. No guarantees, of course.

Such file created in word seem to contain a lot of garbage (look at it in notepad).


Compare the two attached rtf file with identical content. The one from word is twice the size!

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Message 2 of 4

Thanks altenbach, but I just tested the attached RTF file created in WordPad, and as you can see from the attached screenshot it did not work.  Maybe there is something weird about the attached picture file, despite it being a PNG?


I'm guessing from your response that you have not seen this before, nor are there any known limitations on displaying pictures in license agreements in the LabVIEW installer?


On a side note, I don't know how a 300 KB pic plus ~15 ASCII characters turned into a 5 MB file.  If WordPad is that inefficient, how'd you get your files so small?

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Message 3 of 4

Sorry, my suggestion was just a stab in the dark, because many versions ago I has trouble displaying text-only word generated rtfs while the wordpad generated displayed correctly.


I guess it is possible that I images are not allowed here.

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Message 4 of 4