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Interacting with labview with my own developed scritpting language.

Hi all,


I am Divya.


My aim :

I need to develop a programing language to interact with Labview such that the script should call labview front panel, execute the given task and front panel shold give back the result to the script.

I want to achieve this by using my own developed programing language (Valid reasons are there why not to use already exixting scripts which I dont want to discuss here as it is not relevant).


My idea :

As developing a new scripting language is a big task I am planning to start with Python scripting. I am trying to interact with labview using python script for now.


My problem :

As I am fresher to this field I dont know the possible ways to interact with Labview using python scripting. (Except using Labpython). If there is any way to achieve this please guide me on this.


Thanks in advance

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Message 1 of 9

The easiest way sounds like a command prompt thing, your VI can read the arguments and react to them, then generate a system out, file or similar.

Depending on how advanced you want the scripting to be this can be rather easy or extremely hard.

You can e.g. always use one command per line in the format [command]([args separated with semicolon])

Then cut the string at '(', send the first part to a case structure and handle the rest inside.



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Message 2 of 9
How does python connect to ActiveX servers? LabVIEW is one with methods to run, set controls, and get indicator values.

For a .net example, see

Despite what you say, seems a waste of time unless you are a computer science student.
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Message 3 of 9


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Message 4 of 9
It's not clear at all. What is bifercate? There are numerous string conversion functions. Please provide an entire example of the string.

p.s. Are you doing something completely different now than your original question? It sounds like you are calling python from LabVIEW instead of calling LabVIEW from python.
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Message 5 of 9

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Message 6 of 9
What sort of VI? How are you passing the values? I still don't know what bifurcate is and you apparently have not looked at the conversion functions on the string palette. There is also the Scan From String function. For the operand, just pass the operation as a string to a case statement.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9
p.s. After getting the strings and converting if necessary, you can write to a local variable.

In my opinion, using LabVIEW's ActiveX server is better since you don't need to write custom VIs.
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9



Thanks. I could do it using conversions in string palette.

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Message 9 of 9