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Interface to CAN-Bus on RIO Eval Board

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I am trying to utilize the CAN interface on the sbRIO Evaluation board. I installed the RIO Embedded 101 driver package, and the "Embeded CAN for sbRIO" functions now appear on the functions pallet. However when I place a CAN function on the block diagram, a popup appears, and Labview attempts to locate a dll called rioembeddedlvapi.dll without success. It is possible to tell it to "Ignore Item" and it gives up and places the item on the block diagram.  Does anyone know what is going on here and whether or not it can just be ignored ?  Thanks


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Message 1 of 24




  1. What version of LabVIEW are you using?
  2. What version of NI-RIO are you using?
  3. What sbRIO do you have?
  4. What directory was LabVIEW looking for rioembeddedlvapi.dll by default?


Some documentation about the differences between the NI-CAN or NI-GENET and the NI-Industrial Communications for RIO Embedded CAN can be found here:



Craig H. | CLA CTA CLED | Applications Engineer | NI Employee 2012-2023
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 24

Thanks for the response.


Labview Version 11.0 1f2  (2011 SP1 f2)

NI-RRIO 12.0

sbRIO EVAL P/N 153982A-01L  (Based on SBRIO 9636 board)


When a CAN function is dragged on the block digram, a popup appears and it shows that it is searching through many directories very rapidly.

It finally stops searching after several seconds and a Windows file manager box pops up. I have attached both popup windows to this message.

It appears to search in C\Program Files(x66)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2011\vi.lib\......     and instr.lib\..........

The Windows file manager box pops up in the MAX directory


If I exit the Windows file popup, the Labview popup goes away in a few seconds and then the icon is placed on the block diagram.

If I place a 2nd function of the same type on the diagram, it does so without problems, but a different function causes the same problem


I had already read the documentation. That is how I found out about the RIO Embedded CAN 1.0.1 package.  I installed that and the new CAN functions were added.


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Message 3 of 24
Accepted by topic author cfive

I was able to resolve the issue on the RIO Evaluation board by removing and reinstalling the RIO Embedded CAN package. Something must have been corrupted.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 24

Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier, I'm glad you were able to resovle it Smiley Happy.

Craig H. | CLA CTA CLED | Applications Engineer | NI Employee 2012-2023
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 24



I have essentially the identical problem.  I'm using LV 12 with the RT and FPGA modules on a 9636 eval kit.  Each and every drop of a imbedded CAN icon starts the search for rioembeddedlvapi.dll.  I have manually searched for potential directories where it ought to be stashed and find empty directories.  I'm wondering if there are install switches that I need to set and reinstall.  I can see in the .cab file where it hides, but it isn't getting loaded.  Are there external permissions/licenses that would affect this?  I'm running a 90 day eval.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 24

Hey h_sqd,


The driver does not need to be activated so I would not worry about LabVIEW being in evaluation.


Reinstalling should be as simple as running the EXE from the download page:


That is, assuming that installing the driver again will resolve your issue in the same way as it helped cfive.


Good luck!



Craig H. | CLA CTA CLED | Applications Engineer | NI Employee 2012-2023
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 24



I must be missing something.  I have installed it within the NI directories under Program Files (x86) and I have let it install at the default root position.  In both cases I get essentially a null install where after unpacking things into the various subdirectories, the autoinstall takes me through a few steps and then says it is done without actually expanding any of the .cab files within the several subdirectories.


Is there an uninstall (either NI or Windows) that only removes this driver, in case there is some registry issue that tricks the installer to think everything is already there?




0 Kudos
Message 8 of 24

You can change/remove parts of any piece of NI software:

  1. Open Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)
  2. Expand My System » Software
  3. Select the "Change/Remove Software" button
  4. Find the driver in question on the list that comes up and choose if you want to repair or remove it.

You can also try a force reinstall of the software:


Craig H. | CLA CTA CLED | Applications Engineer | NI Employee 2012-2023
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 24



Thanks for reminding me about MAX. A classic newby mistake to not know the basic tools.


Unfortnately, it only revealed that the driver is no where to be found within the 'known' environment.  I forced the reinstall (still in the root directory) and it did show progress bars as though a lot of files were unpacked.  I did find a subdirectory in the RT Images (but it could have been there before):


C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\RT Images\RIOEmbeddedCAN\1.0.1


Also found:


C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\vi.lib\RioEmbeddedCAN


That directory had a timestamp from this morning's effort, but only had one .llb file.



A few more details:


I happen to be using LabVIEW Robotics 2012 Ver. 12.0f3 (32-bit) for my startup space.  I have done all the Eval cookbook lessons successfully from that space including RT and FPGA stuff.


There happens to be some LV 2012 stuff in the main Programs directory, but the bulk is all in the (86) directory all resulting from the original full download.


No other Import or other tabs seem to allow a discovery of the driver.


One final question for this pass: the driver installer requires closing all programs. Would leaving LV2012 open allow it to discover the installation?


Still perplexed,





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Message 10 of 24