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Is it possible to have a VI "run when opened" when accessed via Internet Explorer?

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I am trying to get a remote panel application to "run when opened" when is accessed via Internet explorer. I have multiple remote panel licenses on the server and the VI is Re-entrant. The application works well except for this issue. Having the VI "Run When Opened" via IE is very important to the user. As is, when IE opens, the user must click on the panel image once to get the VI's attention and then again on the start arrow to run the program. Is there any way around this or a way to simplify the process?
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Message 1 of 16
This is actually the intended operation of remote front panels, however, we can simplify the operation to meet closer with what your customer wants.  Basically, if you were to always have your program run in somewhat of an idle state, you can use the Application Control>>Property node for 'RemotePanel.ConnToClients' property to determine when a user is connected and run the proccess of the program as soon as a connection is detected.  When no connection is detected you could have the program run in an idle state.  The attached screenshot shows a general way to do this.  Have a good evening!

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Message 2 of 16

Bob, thanks for the response. I have placed the app property node per your jpg in the code that is to be controlled remotely and I have tried opening a separate VI with that property node in it. Apparently I am missing something because when a create an indicator for the output of the node hoping to see something about the remote panel being accessed I get nothing. The indicator stays grayed out.

The remote panel is working on the client machine. Do I need a specific path to the VI or a reference of some sort? I'm not sure how this property node is supposed to work. I've read the help file for it and tried a few different things but.....

A little more if you if can.

Thanks in advance.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16
I haven't done much with remote panels but I'm a bit confused about your question. If the VI on the server is an exe, the default for a built VI is to run when opened. If you don't have an exe but a regular VI, you can go to VI Properties>Execution and select Run When Opened.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16

You are correct that you can select "run when opened" for an exe and it will do just that. When you make that same exe re-entrant and try to set the "run when opened" box you will notice that after closing and reopening the properties window the "run when opened" is no longer checked. If you do not set up the vi as re-entrant the "run when opened" box will stay checked and and the (1 only) remote panel client will view the exe as an opened vi. With multiple remote panel users I needed to set the vi as re-entrant so that each remote panel user had their own instance of the vi. but when the new instance is generated it is in memory but not running. I'm open to almost any new approach to this issue if you have any ideas.


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Message 5 of 16
Sorry, I misunderstood. I've never set a top level exe to be reentrant. I though you had a reentrant subVI. As I said, my experinece with remote panels is somewhat limited. 
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16
I was able to do something similar to what BOB suggested.  As soon as someone connected, I had the vi stop.  And it did exactly that as soon as I connected.

I just want to clarify what you mean by "I have placed the app property node per your jpg in the code that is to be controlled remotely and I have tried opening a separate VI with that property node in it."  I beleive that the property node needs to be in the vi that you connect to, the vi that is in the link you put in IE to connect to the remote panel, the top level vi.

Did you place the property node in a loop that updates regularly or where did you place it in your code (screen shot maybe??).


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Message 7 of 16
I have the property node inside the main while loop so it should be accessed on a regualar basis. I am testing the node inside the project and not with in an exe in case that matters. I have a remote computer accessing the vi using both IE and the remote panel connection from the drop down menu, 2 separate windows, both are working. Yet, I'm still not seeing the connection show up via the property node. More than likely I'm setting up the property wrong or something. Did you wire in a path to the vi or anything like that?
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Message 8 of 16
Here is the jpg, hopefully. I've not Tried attaching anything in here before.
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Message 9 of 16

Kenny, do you have a screen shot of what you did? I can get some information out of the property node but the remote panel info is grayed out like an uninitialized array.

Bob, if you have anymore insight that would also be appreciated.



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Message 10 of 16