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Is it possible to use Labview on a mobile device for data acquisition and lorentzian fit analysis (nonlinear Levenberg-Marquartz algorithm)?

I developed a method to use Labview software for real-time analysis of piezoelectric microresonators (Sensors and Actuators B 147 (2010) 508–516).  This method would be particularly useful if it could (1) run on a smartphone and (2) access the microphone signal or a usb channel for analysis.  Then it could be used for gas sensors on smartphones.  All the necessary hardware seems to be there. 

So my questions are (1) is there a versions of Labview that will run on a smartphone for data acquisition and processing?  and (2) can Labview access microphone data for analsis?

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Message 1 of 2

Checkout the LabVIEW mobile module.


And also this:
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