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Issue in opening NI MAX.

I am facing problem in opening NI MAX software and I am unable to detect the hardware in it. When I open the software, following message appears in the dialog box.
I am using MAX version 5.4 and LabVIEW (FDS 2012 SP1).


The niGPIBsys.dll plug-in caused an exception in the CmxSysExpertManager::FinalizeExpert function in the NIMax process.
See these files for details:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\National Instruments\MAX\Logs\20140618_134419-NIMax-00000F38.log
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\National Instruments\MAX\Logs\20140618_134419-NIMax-00000F38.dmp


Please find the screen shot of the error attached.

I have one more query. Is it possible to monitor the online values coming to the AI modules in the MAX ?

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Thank you for sharing this link.

But, in our hardware configuration, we have used ethernet(TCP/IP).

I was able to detect hardware initially, but due to some abrupt closing of application, hardware is not getting detected.

I think some driver files got corrupted, yet, I'm not sure. But, in this isssue, it is definitely not related to the connectivity of hardware.



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