07-09-2013 03:29 AM
Trying to connect to hardware via the local network to send ASCII strings. I can ping the static IP address successfully, but can't get anything from it in LabVIEW.
VISA resource at the moment is TCPIP0::xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx::INSTR, which I think is right.
MAX returns this error on startup:
The niGPIBsys.dll plug-in caused an exception in the CmxSysExpertManager::FinalizeExpert function in the NIMax process.
See these files for details:
C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\MAX\Logs\20130709_091257-NIMax-00001848.log
C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\MAX\Logs\20130709_091257-NIMax-00001848.dmp
Then won't make new devices.
VISA and 488 have both been reinstalled, and the nearest error I could find was number 6 here:
... but PAE is definitely not enabled.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
(LabVIEW version 11.0 32-bit, windows 7, hardware is a Votsch Industrial Oven with static IP address)
07-09-2013 03:33 AM
Sorry, also, the error from any basic VISA read/write I try is:
Error -1073807343 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->Advanced Serial Write and Read.vi
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system.
07-09-2013 07:06 AM
07-09-2013 08:48 AM
Sorry, I'm confused myself.
LabVIEW communication with one instrument works when I manually entered TCPIP0::xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx::INSTR, so over the local network. It also worked when I connected it to my computer with a USB cable because the USB::<something> option came up in the drop down list of the VISA resource name panel straight away.
With the other instrument, it has both USB and ethernet sockets, I couldn't get a response using the same TCPIP format as above, even though I know the IP address (and I tried all combinations of w/ wout/ INSTR) and I could ping it. Haven't been able to plug it into anything with USB directly as I can't get a computer near it at the moment. Tried LabVIEW's VISA serial read write example programme... does that not make sense then? I got error -1073807343.
So I tried to use MAX according to tutorials and encountered the above problems. I suspect the MAX problem is seperate to my VISA connection problems. Can MAX not be used to find and configure connections both USB (is this the same as GPIB?) and TCPIP?
07-09-2013 09:10 AM