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Issue setting up cDAQ9184 on NI 2020

Evening Folks,


I am setting up a NI cDAQ9184 with a voltage and current card (9203/9205) but I haven't even made it that far without an issue. I am setting the system up, seeing power and no other lights, and the NI MAX is recognizing the cDAQ, but no cards. When I try to start a "reset" or "Self-Test" the system throws a "Status Code: -50150" (see attached photo). I have a co-worker who's computer seems to work with this system and has never seen this code before, and I am unsure how to proceed. 


Happy to take any expert suggestion, or amateur guesses. Thank you,



Error Code reads as follows:

The self test failed.
Status Code: -50150
The software has entered an unknown state - usually as a result of a cascade failure induced by an unexpected series of state inputs. The operation could not be completed as specified and you should immediately terminate all further transactions if you are able to do so.

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Message 1 of 6

It might be caused by the corrupted DAQmx driver.

What is your OS and NI-DAQmx driver version?



Error -50150 When Using USB Devices in NI MAX

Error -50150: Unable to Launch Test Panels

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 2 of 6
Morning ZYOng,

I am using a Windows 11 Enterprise system and the NI-DAQmx software package is 2020 SP1 f1.
--> If this is the issue and I need a different software package is there any way to use the older 2020 license on the newer software package or will we need to upgrade to the latest release license?
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Message 3 of 6

@Lorch wrote:
Morning ZYOng,

I am using a Windows 11 Enterprise system and the NI-DAQmx software package is 2020 SP1 f1.
--> If this is the issue and I need a different software package is there any way to use the older 2020 license on the newer software package or will we need to upgrade to the latest release license?

The first supported software version in Windows 11 is 2022 Q3. See NI Product Compatibility for Microsoft Windows 11

Using 2020 SP1 in Win11 is not validated and not guaranteed to work correctly.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 4 of 6

Thank you,


Is there a reason that it works for my colleague but not my computer or just random issues within the system that are not accounted for in the 2020 with windows 11. I am looking for any work around you would be able to recommend as we do not have a newer 2022 license yet. 

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Message 5 of 6

As I have mentioned earlier, using an unsupported version of the driver is not validated and is not guaranteed to work. It just behaves randomly. Unfortunately, there is no workaround.

You can still try upgrading the NI-DAQmx driver to 2022 Q3. NI drivers are backward compatible with four versions of LabVIEW. Assuming you have LabVIEW 2020, you can use up to NI-DAQmx 2023, which is compatible with Win11. However, you still have the risk that unsupported LabVIEW 2020 might not behave correctly.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 6 of 6