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Issues while running .exe on the target machine



For few days, I have an issue with my executable. I can build it and use it on my development machine but when I'm trying to use it on the target machine, I got the error messages: GetSetShared.lvib could be loaded and SetDDT Attributes.lvlib coulb not be loaded.


I don't understand why as I change nothing on the way I'm compiling the .exe. I even tried to recompile a former version which was working and I got the same issue. And the target machine can still run the former version compiled before the problem occured so I don't understand where it comes from.


Can someone help me?




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Message 1 of 4

I've seen some people have had luck by installing .NET 3.5 (or other versions). Can you find which .NET versions are installed on your development PC and make sure the target PC has the same?

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Message 2 of 4

Thanks for you answer!


I have the 7.0 version of .NET Framework on my development machien, I will chekc thversion of the target later.


But I did not update on my software/computer since the last time my programme was running on the target machien so I don't think that could be the problem.

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Message 3 of 4

I can add that the executable is working on an other computer as well, so the problem seems to be on the target computer but still don't know why.

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Message 4 of 4