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Issues with the logging of output signal generated with DAQmx



I'm new with LabVIEW and I'm trying to build a LabVIEW program to run my cRIO system. Currently, I'm using LabVIEW 2023 Q3 and the program is supposed to generate a sine signal through a NI 9263module, log such signal and eventually log the responce of the excitation by means of a NI9234 module.

The problem that I'm experiencing is the wrong logging of the generated signal (explained in the pic attached below). I can't explain why the sine signal is recorded several times. I even tryied to manipulate the sampling parameters through the DAQ Timing block but nothing seems to go better.


Many thanks and have a nice day

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Message 1 of 3

Your analog output is not using Sample Clock timing, which means it is using software timing. 

Ideally, the input and output should be synchronized. See DAQmx Multidevice Synchronization by Sharing a Sample Clock

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 2 of 3

Hi ZYOng,


thanks for replying.


I've been adopting the recommendations suggested in the link you posted, but it doesn't seem to work. Differently from the example shown in the link, I'm not able to recall the same Timebase because the Timing block only shows me input timebase, output timebase and some other timebase stored in the cRIO. If I enter a timebase for the AI daq, the application returns the -200414 error, but if I do not enter a timebase, then I get data stored in the way I described before.


I'm going to share the application with the manipulations done according to the link that you suggested.


Thanks for helping and wish you a nice day!

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