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Joystick Simulation

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I would like to build an application that can send information to windows as if it was a game controller.

It must be possible using user32.dll but I haven't found anything.

What I would like is kind of the opposite to the VIs found in the Connectivity>Input Device palette


Best regards

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13
Accepted by topic author didje007

Pretty sure you need a virtual device driver for this.  I don't think a straight DLL call by itself will work.


Check out vJoy, it looks like it has a .NET DLL you could use LabVIEW to interact with.

Message 2 of 13

Vjoy looks very interesting. It should be able to do what I want.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

>It must be possible using user32.dll but I haven't found anything.


What is this based on? Don't think it's true. You can set the mouse cursor, but that's a different abstraction layer then simulating a device. And you can simulate clicks (mouse up, down, move, etc.) by sending messages to a hWnd, but this is also not simulating a device.



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Message 4 of 13

The thought was just that since it is possible to add mouse clicks and keyboard entries with user32. I thought it was probably possible to also add joystick entries.



Message 5 of 13
Hi, you have the VI to try to make it work. please send me the VI. Thank you.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13


Estimate engineer.

For requesting help urgently.

I have reviewed the link and performed the vJOY download procedure, try to make use of the vJOY application by building a .NET node from the LabVIEW block diagram but it does not work for me.

I would like you to help me please.
I attach a file in which you can see the development of the connection with vJOY without having a result in the assignment of values ​​to the joystick axes.

Best regards
Fabian Romero
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13


Estimate engineer.

For requesting help urgently.

I have reviewed the link and performed the vJOY download procedure, try to make use of the vJOY application by building a .NET node from the LabVIEW block diagram but it does not work for me.

I would like you to help me please.
I attach a file in which you can see the development of the connection with vJOY without having a result in the assignment of values ​​to the joystick axes.

Best regards
Fabian Romero
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Message 8 of 13



I have reviewed the link and performed the vJOY download procedure, try to make use of the vJOY application by building a .NET node from the LabVIEW block diagram but it does not work for me.

I would like you to help me please.

Post what you have (the VI). Let us know what you want, what you tried and why you're not succeeding.


And this might get more attention if you posted it in a new thread, not one that is marked as solved. Do post the link in this thread though, or you have two active threads with the same topic.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13



Some tips on forum etiquette


You're bumping a thread over a year old.  Don't expect everyone to still pay attention.

Who is "estimate engineer"?  Use actual/forum names.

You're asking for help, send your code and not a PDF.

Don't be needy.  You posted once a few days ago and nobody was still here to check it out.  Posting twice in the same day is bad form. 

Nobody in this thread ever mentioned success.  They said they were going to try.  That makes it unreasonable for you to assume that anyone reading this definitely has a working solution.


Google: Call Library Function Node


That's what you'll need to figure out to make this work.  If you understand the CLFN at all, you'll understand why giving us a PDF is mostly useless to help you.

Message 10 of 13