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Keithley 2000 Timeout

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Hey Developers,


I´m trying to communicate with a Keithley 2000 and I found this Programm on the NI site:


So I tried it, but it doesn't work. I always get the response: −1073807339 Timeout expired before operation completed.


I changed the some stuff like the Termination Character to "\n", or increased the Bytes to wait, but it won't work. I found the devise with the NI MAX.

The syntax of my commands should be ok, because when I remove the "\n", I see the Error -101 on the Keithley.


Could someone please tell me, where my mistake is?


Kind regards


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8
What sort of physical connection do you have? What exactly was found in MAX?

Your link returns an error.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Hey Dennis,


I have Labview 2011 so I downloaded the Driver Labview 8.0 version from this Link:


and I use RS 232.


NI MAX found an COM-Port. I dont know what is necessary there.

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Message 3 of 8
Accepted by RubertIV
So the only thing that MAX will detect is the computer's com port. Check the settings on the instrument for baud rate, parity, etc. Also check to see what the termination character is. Perhaps you need both cr and lf. Try to only use MAX until you can successfully communicate. Just work with the *IDN? query.
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Message 4 of 8

Ok, i got a response (ID from Keithley...) in the Buffer when I change in Flow Control Settings the Output State, Ready to Send and DTR to Unasserted.

But also in the window Return Data the Timeout Error.


Where do I change this in the VI?

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Message 5 of 8
When you get data and the timeout error, that indicates that you have specified the incorrect termination character. Can you show the result?
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8



1: Write Operation (*IDN?\r)

Return Count: 6 bytes

2: Write Operation (*IDN?\r)

Return Count: 6 bytes

3: Read Operation
Return Count: 57 bytes


But the Read option still don't work.



Edit: with \r it works. When I also change this on the Instrument.

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Message 7 of 8

My now also works. I added in the Visa Serial the two characters to set DTS and RTS to unasserted, but I still get the Timeout Error.

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Message 8 of 8