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Keysight 34461A multimeter: timeout error

Hello everyone,

I need help, I had a problem with a Keysight multimeter, when entering a Query I get a timeout error.



I was able to fix it by enabling this setting:







However, I have the same problem with the timeout error in LabView using the example VI “ag3446x Example – Single Point” when connecting it with the same Keysight multimeter and I don’t know how to solve it. (I leave below the image of the block diagram of the example). I hope you can help me, thank you very much in advance.



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Message 1 of 5

This is common with these meters due to changes in the firmware and some models not being consistent with the LabVIEW drivers.


The first thing to always do is turn on Execution Highlighting (lightbulb icon) on your block diagram so you can see which subVI throws the error.  I'm suspecting it's the Initialize and if you open that and highlight you will likely find that the ID Query section is at fault.   Easiest way to quick fix is just wire a False to the ID Query input and skip it.  This code does send some "User Data" to the device, but I can't say I know what it's supposed to do.


If the error occurs after INIT, see where it's generated and start opening the subVIs and troubleshoot.  I'm heading home for a long weekend, but I left a 34461 connected to my PC, so I'll try to remember to remote in and check if you're still having issues...  No promises of course, but there are others online here that have seen this too.

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
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Message 2 of 5

Hi, thanks for responding so quickly and sorry for the delay.

I checked with highlight and this is what came back, it seems the problem is in the first subVI.



It also returns this error when completing the execution:




I also debugged it with the probes to get more information and got this:






I followed the entire path of the error, entering each subVI and it led me to this diagram:





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Message 3 of 5

You have a different version of the 34461 drivers than I do, but I think the issue is the same.  When ID Query is TRUE, extra code is run to determine exactly which model/firmware is used and it hangs up or throws a timeout error if you don't have a compatible system.  It doesn't seem to matter if the ID Query doesn't run, so I always just turn it OFF (write a FALSE to ID Query).


Did you try that?



I usually leave the Reset command to TRUE since I like to have my instrument in the factory default state when I initialize it.  You may or may not want that depending on how you set up your DMM


LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Thank you very much for the help.

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Message 5 of 5