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LED E still remains blinking and error 2638

Hi everyone


I have a problem with the NI USRP-2930 , at the LED E still remains blinking  when i run an example program, how I can settle this problem?


and i have an other problem with this error :


niUSRP Open Tx<ERR>A

runtime or configuration error occurred.  

Code: 2638

Details: valueexpr: Timeout after no valid message found

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Message 1 of 7

Which example program are you running and how are you running it?

How is the hardware and software configured?

Are your two problems related? (i,e, do you get both problems at the same time?)


Message 2 of 7

I use the transmitter and receiver of packet program " USRPPacketTxRx (1) "


I don't know if the two problem are related or not but I think yes


and hardware and software configuration are in these picture 

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Message 3 of 7

The E LED indicates that the LO is not locked to a reference signal. Are you using an external reference? Can you post screenshots of your block diagram to see the configuration? Additionally, have you used this USRP with other example programs without issue? 

National Instruments
Message 4 of 7



i don't used any example before, because it is the 1st time when i used  labview and this software radio , can you give me one please ?


the block diagram is in this screenshots :Capture1.PNGCapture2.PNGCapture3.PNGCapture4.PNG

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Message 5 of 7

The LabVIEW USRP examples can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 201x\examples\instr\niUSRP


I'd recommend starting from one of those examples and seeing if those are capable of doing what you are looking for. It's possible this will resolve the issue you are experiencing if there is something configured incorrectly in your code. 

National Instruments
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Message 6 of 7

I tried a lot of example, but when I execute the program it still gives me this error:

the following error code: -1074118627 niUSRP Open Rx<ERR>A runtime or configuration error occurred. Code: 2638 Details: ValueError: Timeout after no valid message found .

Can you help me please ?
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Message 7 of 7