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LIFA Mpu-6050 IMU

Dear All,


I'm trying to read my MPU 6050 (I2C sensor) through LIFA based on the codes posted by Nathan B HERE


However, when i uses to code he uploaded, labview is not picking up any signal at all from my IMU. Regardless of how I move my IMU, it seems to have no effect.

I know for a fact that the arduino code uploaded to my arduino board has 7 columns of data, firstly its the time stamp, followed by x,y,z accel and x,y,z gyro. Could it be this that causes the problem?

Its also worth mentioning that I'm a 3rd year mechanical student so I have 0 knowledge on how things work. I've only started exploring labview and arduino since last week.

Thank you very much for your help.



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when you upload the lifa code, close the IDE,

then open up the labview library as you have , then you dont see any values from your IMU , try to press reset botton on Arduino then you can see the signals.


if it didn't help you out, try as:

1-open up your block diagram panel

2-hold the cursor at the left sideof  the  arduino INT block.

3- then find a pink color input named as visa resourse

4- right click and select constant from creat>constant

5-now you should type the port number that your arduino is interfaced (i.g COM11)

6-now in the block diagram panel click on Run

7-if no result, press reset botton on arduino microcontroller (it is next to usb port)


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